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Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04
Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04
Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04
Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04
Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04

Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04

$ 31.00
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Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04

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Match Description

Muscle god Steel is back and living the huge life in Vegas!  Looking hulk-like in the palatial suite, Steel offers us a tour – of his stunning body!  Steel gives us a show to match any other in town as he flexes and poses every rock hard muscle from his perfect, bouncing pecs to his Giant-Redwood like thighs!  But there’s trouble in paradise – Steel is a perfectionist and likes everything to be just so.  So when he sees the kitchen area looking like a nachos dumping ground, he sees red!  To calm down he goes outside into the sunshine and starts pumping out some push-ups.  Man, those hamstrings and triceps – you’ll want him to keep going and going!  When he’s done, he stands and turns to go in, when he spots the untidy culprit, Scrappy, snoozing in the Vegas sunshine.  Seeing red again, Steel SPANKS scrappy awake, telling him to go clean up!  Scrappy refuses, pushing the pumped pecs of Steel.  “I don’t think you wanna do that” says Steel.  It is on!

Steel pulls Scrappy’s head down between his mountainous quads, crushing the rookie’s face between the two pillars of muscle.  Scrappy struggles for all he’s worth as he’s squashed and manhandled in the scissors, a full nelson and a bear hug before Steel humiliates him with a rolled up pin!  Scrappy thinks it’s over, but Steel levels the rookie with a CLOTHESLINE INTO THE POOL!  Steel follows his prey into the water, stalking Scrappy like a shark with the scent of blood.  Catching Scrappy in a headlock, the smaller man somehow escapes and backs away from the bodybuilder.  Steel smirks, giving Scrappy the familiar ‘come on’ gesture, before reaching out and trapping Scrappy again!  Poor (!) Scrappy is forced to taste Steel’s pecs as his face is ground against the slabs of beef!  Steel pushes Scrappy up to the side of the pool, before getting out and wrapping his legs around Scrappy’s neck!  Steel is a master of all scissor holds and he unleashes the full power of his monstrous legs on poor Scrappy.  Every muscle in Steel’s body is flexed and straining as he crushes the life out of the struggling rookie!

An arm lock has Scrappy in even more pain, but Steel isn’t happy with that – he uses it to pull his prey into a tight sleeper, his massive biceps cutting off the Scrappy’s air!  A scissor nelson combo has Scrappy trapped and on display, the sun beating down on his chest.  Scrappy is fighting to survive!  If you are a fan of scissors, this is the video for you because they are what Steel does best and boy, does he love to use them!  He is RELENTLESS!  Steel crushes and squeezes Scrappy, dunking him underwater time and time again, bringing him back up only to put a squeeeeze on him in some new, devastating way!  Will Scrappy survive?  Can he take the incredible punishment that the handsome muscle hunk is handing out?  Get this match today to see how this INCREDIBLY HEAD SCISSOR battle ends!

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Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04
Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04
Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04
Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04
Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04
Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04
Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04
Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04
Steel vs Scrappy - Vegas Battles 04