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Sergei body scissoring Meaty
Sergei folding Meaty
Sergei admiring Meatys pecks
Sergei and Meaty bear hugging
Meaty flexing
Meaty head scissoring Sergei
Meaty bear hugging Sergei
Meaty college boy sitting on Sergei
Sergei flexing and sitting on Meatys back
Meaty flexing
Sergei flexing
Sergei double bicep flexing
Meaty folding Sergeis legs back
Sergei stretching Meaty
Sergei flexing
Meaty peck clawing Sergei
Sergei head scissoring Meaty
Sergei riding Meatys back
Meaty choking Sergei
Meaty flexing
Meaty carrying Sergei on his back
Sergei and Meaty flexing
Sergei body scissoring Meaty
Sergei folding Meaty
Sergei admiring Meatys pecks
Sergei and Meaty bear hugging
Meaty flexing
Meaty head scissoring Sergei
Meaty bear hugging Sergei
Meaty college boy sitting on Sergei
Sergei flexing and sitting on Meatys back
Meaty flexing
Sergei flexing
Sergei double bicep flexing
Meaty folding Sergeis legs back
Sergei stretching Meaty
Sergei flexing
Meaty peck clawing Sergei
Sergei head scissoring Meaty
Sergei riding Meatys back
Meaty choking Sergei
Meaty flexing
Meaty carrying Sergei on his back
Sergei and Meaty flexing

Meaty vs Sergei - Bodybuilder Battle 183

$ 31.00
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Meaty vs Sergei - Bodybuilder Battle 183

Match Description

Run Time: 28 min.

Meaty and Sergei notice each other from the gym and tie up to decide who is the best bodybuilder in Florida! Meaty uses all of his 230 pounds of muscle to torture Sergei using lifts, carries, head scissors, and gut punches. Sergei uses a cheat and pulls at Meaty's toes to break out and gain an advantage. That doesn't last long when Meaty powerfully stands up with Sergei hanging on his back and then throws him off! Neither bodybuilder wants to back down and a chest to chest bearhug competition leads to a stalemate and a face to face flex off. With sweaty pecs bouncing and hard biceps peaking, both guys think they are better than their opponent. After admiring each others muscles the action jumps back into frame with a chest to chest bearhug with Sergei countering with a deep ab stretch. Meaty fights out and jumps on him driving his thumbs in Sergei's pecs! After Meaty loses concentration and flexes for the camera, Sergei counters with a pec claw of his own! After a back and forth of body scissors, sleeper holds, boston crab holds, back tortures, and more bearhugs one bodybuilder can't stand the pain any longer and passes out! Who will take over the alpha dog spot at their local gym?

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Sergei body scissoring Meaty
Sergei folding Meaty
Sergei admiring Meatys pecks
Sergei and Meaty bear hugging
Meaty flexing
Meaty head scissoring Sergei
Meaty bear hugging Sergei
Meaty college boy sitting on Sergei
Sergei flexing and sitting on Meatys back
Meaty flexing
Sergei flexing
Sergei double bicep flexing
Meaty folding Sergeis legs back
Sergei stretching Meaty
Sergei flexing
Meaty peck clawing Sergei
Sergei head scissoring Meaty
Sergei riding Meatys back
Meaty choking Sergei
Meaty flexing
Meaty carrying Sergei on his back
Sergei and Meaty flexing