Why is the download price different than the sale price?
Occasionally, we overproduce DVDs so in an attempt to not pay additional storage fees for that inventory, we lower the price to liquidate the inventory. Downloads don't sit on a shelf, collecting dust, so there is no need to put them on sale.
What format are your videos?
Our videos are formatted as .mp4 OR .webm and will play on all iPads, iPhones, Androids, any tablets, as well as computers (Mac or PC).
Please note that with the webm format you will need to drag and drop the video file you download into Chrome browser or Firefox browser to get it to play.
These WEBM matches are in the new format that you can download and then we recommend watching them the FIREFOX web browser to open them and have best viewing of the videos!
- CLICK HERE to download the latest FIREFOX to your computer.
- CLICK HERE for MOBILE FIREFOX on any phone or any tablet.
Just remember to Drag & drop video file to the main panel of FIREFOX and it will play automatically, and look amazing on any device!
How do I purchase a video?
- Start on one of our product pages.
- You will see a radio button below the video title. Select if you would like a
- Download (available instantly on your computer
- DVD (mailed to you)
- Click the ADD TO CART button
- Confirm the title and quantity
- If you have made any changes, Click UPDATE CART
- If you have not made any changes, click CHECK OUT or PAY PAL
- If you selected CHECK OUT, you will see

- Select your payment method
- Credit/Debit Card
- PayPal
- Confirm your billing/shipping address
- Enter any applicable Discount (Coupon) codes
- Click COMPLETE ORDER button
- If you selected PAY PAL, you will see:

- Sign in to your PayPal account and proceed through checkout
- If you selected a Download, you will receive a confirmation email instantly (check your spam folder), containing the download link
- Click the download link
- Save the file to your computer (remember where and what you name it)
- If you selected a DVD, the order will fulfilled and shipped by our shipping department
How do I play my video on iPhone/iPad?
- Download the file of the video to your computer (PC or Mac).
- Make sure the file has completely downloaded before proceeding to
sync the video to your iPhone or iPad through iTunes. - Open Itunes and click the "movies" selection on the left menu column.
- Go to the iTunes "File" menu and select "Add to Library" then
navigate to the folder your video downloaded into (usually the
"downloads" folder). Select the downloaded video and then press "OK"
or "open". - The video will import into your iTunes account and then appear in
your "movies" folder (this may take a few minutes). - Sync your iPhone or iPad to your computer and then click on the
icon for your iPhone or iPad in the left menu column. - At the top of the iTunes window for your iPhone or iPad, click on
the "movies" selection. You should see the downloaded video appear
in the iTunes window. Click the checkbox next to the video and then
press the "sync" button. The video will be transferred to your
iPhone or iPad (this may take a few minutes).
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept PayPal, BitCoin and ALL Major Credit Cards.
Do your videos contain nudity?
No. None of our videos contain nudity, nor depict any sexually explicit or graphic situations. We pride ourselves on providing real sports entertainment and leaving the rest to the imagination.