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Dom9 choking Cap
Dom9 laying on Caps face
Dom9 choking Cap
Dom9 doing push ups on Caps face
Dom9 putting Cap in a choke hold
Cap laying on Dom9s head
Cap head scissoring Dom9
Cap college boy sitting on Dom9
Dom9 being choked by Cap
Cap being put in a chicken wing
Dom9 and Cap comparing butts
Cap messing with Dr. Pretty Boy
Cap placing his junk on Dom9s face
Dom9 leaving a room
Cap entering a room
Dom9 flexing while holding Cap
Cap looking at Dom9s butt
Cap carrying Dom9
Cap head scissoring Dom9
Cap college boy sitting on Dom9
Cap head scissoring Dom9
Dom9 being choked by Cap
Cap sitting on Dom9s stomach
Dom9 holding Cap
Cap head scissoring Dom9
Dom9 choking Cap
Cap grabbing Dom9 with his legs
Cap being put in a half nelson
Dom9 choke holding Cap
Cap laying his junk on Dom9s face
Cap laying his junk on Dom9s face
Dom9 flexing next to Cap
Cap college boy sitting on Dom9
Cap sitting on Dom9 knocked out
Dom9 choking Cap
Dom9 laying on Caps face
Dom9 choking Cap
Dom9 doing push ups on Caps face
Dom9 putting Cap in a choke hold
Cap laying on Dom9s head
Cap head scissoring Dom9
Cap college boy sitting on Dom9
Dom9 being choked by Cap
Cap being put in a chicken wing
Dom9 and Cap comparing butts
Cap messing with Dr. Pretty Boy
Cap placing his junk on Dom9s face
Dom9 leaving a room
Cap entering a room
Dom9 flexing while holding Cap
Cap looking at Dom9s butt
Cap carrying Dom9
Cap head scissoring Dom9
Cap college boy sitting on Dom9
Cap head scissoring Dom9
Dom9 being choked by Cap
Cap sitting on Dom9s stomach
Dom9 holding Cap
Cap head scissoring Dom9
Dom9 choking Cap
Cap grabbing Dom9 with his legs
Cap being put in a half nelson
Dom9 choke holding Cap
Cap laying his junk on Dom9s face
Cap laying his junk on Dom9s face
Dom9 flexing next to Cap
Cap college boy sitting on Dom9
Cap sitting on Dom9 knocked out

Dom9 vs Cap - Battlespace 147

$ 31.00
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Dom9 vs Cap - Battlespace 147

Match Description

ATTENTION: This 30 MINUTE match features a lot of muscle worship wrestling. Viewer Discretion is Advised.

Cap is sleeping on the couch as Dom9 thinks it would be funny to wake him up with a surprise match. Dom9 has his way with Cap, stripping him out of his clothes while grabbing handfuls of pecs. As Dom9 walks away thinking he had his fun, Cap comes from behind and puts Dom9 in a sleeper dragging him down the hallway into the bedroom. He puts Dom9 down in bed and sleepers him out. An angry Cap goes to tell Dr. Pretty Boy that he needs to keep people away from him and to enforce the rules that Cap is not the man to be played with. A hesitant Dr. Pretty Boy feels the wrath of a worked up Cap. He bullies Dr. Pretty Boy and turns his aggression into a beatdown. Dom9 soon wakes up and decides to stand up against the bully. The match quickly moves to the mat room as Cap fireman carries Dom9 there. Dom9 gets an idea that he and Cap should film their session together with his camera from earlier. The match turns into a back and forth, muscled up, sweat session. Both men taking full advantage of the glistening, pumped up muscles of the other while they wrestle making sure to feel each and every move they do. Taking time to flex in between the mat action, both men use every dirty trick in the book to distract the other. The alpha posturing shows glimmers of admiration as each muscle stud gets the upperhand over the other. Dom9 moves the camera throughout the match making sure that he films each move at the right angle for his personal film collection. 

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  • Shipping is done for all DVDs in a plain white envelope to protect your privacy.
  • DVD orders are produced in house, once a month.
  • While you can pay for priority shipping - we only make dvds once a month, so you might experience a slight delay before shipping happens.



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Dom9 choking Cap
Dom9 laying on Caps face
Dom9 choking Cap
Dom9 doing push ups on Caps face
Dom9 putting Cap in a choke hold
Cap laying on Dom9s head
Cap head scissoring Dom9
Cap college boy sitting on Dom9
Dom9 being choked by Cap
Cap being put in a chicken wing
Dom9 and Cap comparing butts
Cap messing with Dr. Pretty Boy
Cap placing his junk on Dom9s face
Dom9 leaving a room
Cap entering a room
Dom9 flexing while holding Cap
Cap looking at Dom9s butt
Cap carrying Dom9
Cap head scissoring Dom9
Cap college boy sitting on Dom9
Cap head scissoring Dom9
Dom9 being choked by Cap
Cap sitting on Dom9s stomach
Dom9 holding Cap
Cap head scissoring Dom9
Dom9 choking Cap
Cap grabbing Dom9 with his legs
Cap being put in a half nelson
Dom9 choke holding Cap
Cap laying his junk on Dom9s face
Cap laying his junk on Dom9s face
Dom9 flexing next to Cap
Cap college boy sitting on Dom9
Cap sitting on Dom9 knocked out