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Arkansas choking Scrappy with his calf and thigh
Arkansas choking Scrappy with his calf and thigh
Arkansas kicking Scrappy in the gut
Arkansas grabbing Scrappys chin while he bicep flexes
Arkansas stretching Scrappy out as he choke lifts him

Scrappy vs. Arkansas - In Your House 01

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$ 25.00 $ 31.00
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Scrappy vs. Arkansas - In Your House 01

2 for $40

Add to Cart 2 Videos - Price Drops to $40 for 2 matches - Updated Daily, once sold, those 2 match are removed from this offer - don't miss out!

This offer is for matches from Takedown Clearance

Match Description

Arkansas is a seasoned veteran wrestler getting in some practice before a show he has coming up. Unaware that Scrappy is watching him from behind a tree off the mat. After getting up the courage, Scrappy approaches Arkansas and asks if he can learn from him. Arkansas is not having it from the admiring Scrappy and tells him to leave him alone. The eager Scrappy keeps pushing Arkansas to teach him some moves. Eventually, Arkansas gets pissed off and decides to go ahead and give Scrappy exactly what he wants. The cocky Arkansas digs into his bag of moves including ab stretches, BRUTAL backbreakers, MANY different forms of choke lifts, and MASSIVE shoulder breakers. After using Scrappy's hair as a weapon, can Arkansas put away the eager wrestler. Or, will the arrogant Arkansas be surprised by a resilient Scrappy.

Scrappy just wants to admire and learn from the famous Arkansas. However, that quickly turns into a dark lesson in respect.

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Arkansas choking Scrappy with his calf and thigh
Arkansas kicking Scrappy in the gut
Arkansas grabbing Scrappys chin while he bicep flexes
Arkansas stretching Scrappy out as he choke lifts him
Arkansas pulling back on Scrappys neck
Arkansas pulling Scrappys hair
Arkansas fireman carrying Scrappy
Arkansas choke carrying Scrappy
Arkansas pulling back on Scrappys neck
Arkansas choke lifting Scrappy
Arkansas one arm carrying Scrappy
Arkansas pulling on Scrappys hair
Arkansas bicep flexing while stretching Scrappy out
Scrappy being Camel Clutched by Arkansas
Scrappy hiding in the trees
Arkansas doing a hand stand with choking Scrappy
Arkansas dropping Scrappy on his knee in an over the knee back breaker
Arkansas standing on Scrappy
Arkansas standing on Scrappys chest
Arkansas flexing while Scrappy is in an over the knee back breaker
Arkansas pressing his elbows into Scrappy while he's in an over the knee back breaker
Arkansas putting Scrappy is a reverse side head lock
Arkansas curling Scrappy
Arkansas flexing while standing on Scrappys chest
Arkansas about to pile drive Scrappy