Zack the Zman vs Alexander - Mat Rats 09B
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Zack the Zman vs Alexander - Mat Rats 09B
Match Description
Zack the Zman vs Alexander
Pro Wrestling FANS hold on to your seats! This is one rock 'em sock 'em super brawl that uses every move in the book! We have got to get these two in a real ring soon because they did everyone move and slam and dirty trick in the book you could think of without ropes. There are piledrives, pedigree, bearhugs, power bombs, double clotheslines, flying surfboards, ab stretches, sleepers, and so much more! Domination just goes back and forth with these two as they try to get the win. Zack is one tough man, Alexander chops the crap out of him for REAL and you can see the marks left on his chest for the rest of the match! Definitely you gotta see this, it will definitely entertain you!
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