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Texas puts Van Acker into a body scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a body scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a body scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas choke lifts Van Acker at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas and Van Acker at Thunders Arena Wrestling.

Texas vs Van Acker - No Holds Barred 181

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Texas vs Van Acker - No Holds Barred 181

2 for $40

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This offer is for matches from Takedown Clearance

Match Description
Van Acker pulling Texas off the couch yanking off his shirt. Pissed off, Texas lifts the 165 lbs. across his chest CURLING him up and down. Carrying the lightweight outside slamming him down. Texas straddling his prey doing push-ups on top of his body SLAMMING up and down as he groans in pain. Van Acker tries yanking off his pants as Texas wraps his arms around with an over-the-shoulder takedown pinning him down. Van Acker admires Texas SQUEEZING his pec as he screams in pain. "Stop, you're much bigger than me!" Another pec claw has the lightweight rolled into a tight cradle eating his knees. Van Acker struggles to his feet and jumps on his chiseled back with a sleeper as Texas squats and lunges him on his back, "You have to do it harder than that!" taunts Texas slamming him on his face and mounts his abs pinning his arms with one hand above his head.  A vicious dirty trick has the lightweight howling in pain as Texas mounts him again for a double pec claw yanking him up for a devastating chokelift with one arm! Texas diggs his foot in the tiny vet's back YANKING his arms nearly out of socket. Texas wraps his quads of steel around Van Acker in a reverse head scissors and gut punches his abs. Another dirty trick has the lightweight submitting, but the sinister vet won't release his hold. Texas lets his victim go helping him to his feet as the 165 pounder strikes dragging him down in a chokehold rolling the beast to his back. "Can you lock it? I don't think you can!" taunts Texas as the lightweight strains to roll him in a cradle. "This is how you do it!" taunts the behemoth easily powering out flipping him over for a cradle of his own. Powerless to escape, Texas drags his victim to his feet pinning him down with one arm and worships his new abs, punching his abs then lifts him in an upside down belly to belly bearhug and POWERSLAMS him on his back landing on top of him. Squished into the mat, Van Acker screams in pain; his bones pulverized from the brutal impact. Texas digs his foot in his abs flexing on top of the broken prey. Van Acker strikes back with a vicious dirty trick slamming the beast to his back mounting his abs stretching out his legs pinning him down. Angry, Texas strikes with kidney punches and tries lifting him off finally rolling him over. The southern beast locks up his arms dragging him to his feet and HURLS him over in one of the hardest takedowns we have ever filmed rattling his brain. Texas wraps his victim's pencil arms around his face and drills his abs as he begs for mercy rolled into a half nelson/scissor combo and a titty twister. Texas worships his abs as Van Acker submits tapping out. His arm nearly ripped from it's socket. Texas warms up with push ups the hoists his tiny prey in a RIB-CRACKING belly to back bearhug. Texas flexes his chiseled muscle as Van Acker tries quitting but is wrapped in a skull-CRUSHING standing head scissors. Changing positions, Texas delivers a sit down piledriver pulling him on top of his beefy lap. Texas worships his victim locking a dirty trick and dragon sleeper. Van Acker passes out in the vet's embrace. Missing his gym workout, Texas returns angrier than ever lifting his prey in a RIB-CRUSHING belly to belly bearhug. Shaken up and down, Texas flips his victim over landing on his head.  Texas curls the 165 pounder up and down across his burly chest then locks in a LEG-BREAKING Boston crab getting his pump with his legs. The brutal beating continues with leg stretches, arm stretches. Dripping with sweat, it all ends in one of the craziest finishes you have ever seen!
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Texas puts Van Acker into a body scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a body scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas choke lifts Van Acker at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas and Van Acker at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas bear hugs Van Acker at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas lifts Van Acker at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas choke lifts Van Acker at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a body scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas and Van Acker at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a head scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Van Acker puts Texas into a full nelson at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas lifts Van Acker at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a head scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a head scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a head scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas and Van Acker at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a full nelson at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas and Van Acker at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a head scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a body scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas lifts Van Acker at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a body scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas puts Van Acker into a body scissors at Thunders Arena Wrestling.
Texas vs Van Acker - No Holds Barred 181