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Bomb Batar head lock pecs chest arms
Bomb Batar double bicep flex arms pecs abs
Abomb Batar bearhug back thighs
Bomb Batar head scissors pecs chest
Bomb Batar head lock chest pecs arms
Bomb Batar bearhug back lift carry
Bomb Batar choke arms biceps as
Bomb Batar body scissors pecs arms
Devin Red lift carry throw toss back abs
Devin Red bearhug lift carry thighs
Devin Red arm bar abs
Devin Red sleepers hold pecs chest
Devin Red lift carry throw toss abs pecs
Devin Red head lock abs pecs chest
Abomb vs Batar - Battlespace 04A
Bomb Batar head lock pecs chest arms
Bomb Batar double bicep flex arms pecs abs
Abomb Batar bearhug back thighs
Bomb Batar head scissors pecs chest
Bomb Batar head lock chest pecs arms
Bomb Batar bearhug back lift carry
Bomb Batar choke arms biceps as
Bomb Batar body scissors pecs arms
Devin Red lift carry throw toss back abs
Devin Red bearhug lift carry thighs
Devin Red arm bar abs
Devin Red sleepers hold pecs chest
Devin Red lift carry throw toss abs pecs
Devin Red head lock abs pecs chest
Abomb vs Batar - Battlespace 04A

Abomb vs Batar - Battlespace 04A

$ 31.00
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Abomb vs Batar - Battlespace 04A

Match Description

Batar vs Abomb

Battle of the bearhugs is finally here! I get a lot of request for a bearhug matches so now we went out and found some of the best built men to battle it out. Coming to us during the off season from bodybuilding is Abomb. He challenged Batar because they are both the exact same height, but Abomb is 50 pounds heavier than Batar! Talk about starting out your first match with an unfair advantage! This is a classic bodybuilder vs jocks match ya' all love to see. There are lots of great bearhugs, body scissors, headlocks, chokes, sleeper holds, camel clutches, and long held bearhugs. This is pure hulk power vs lean athlete in a battle for dominance of the mat! Will Abombs thick 19 inch arms and 52 inch chest crush Batar? Or will Batar's massive thighs have the big man yelling out, I submit in a scissor hold? This is a great match, enjoy!

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Bomb Batar head lock pecs chest arms
Bomb Batar double bicep flex arms pecs abs
Abomb Batar bearhug back thighs
Bomb Batar head scissors pecs chest
Bomb Batar head lock chest pecs arms
Bomb Batar bearhug back lift carry
Bomb Batar choke arms biceps as
Bomb Batar body scissors pecs arms
Devin Red lift carry throw toss back abs
Devin Red bearhug lift carry thighs
Devin Red arm bar abs
Devin Red sleepers hold pecs chest
Devin Red lift carry throw toss abs pecs
Devin Red head lock abs pecs chest
Abomb vs Batar - Battlespace 04A