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Cody Nelson vs Troy Nelson - Mat Wars 29B
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Cody Nelson vs Troy Nelson - Mat Wars 29B

Cody Nelson vs Troy Nelson - Mat Wars 29B

$ 31.00
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Cody Nelson vs Troy Nelson - Mat Wars 29B

Match Description

Cody Nelson vs Troy Nelson

Cody and Troy wrestle over whose bike is faster. Winner gets the losers wheels. Bikes are as good an excuse as any to get these two hot bloods on the mats, gunning for each other. Cody, of course, brings plenty of wrestling experience to the match. Troy, the newcomer, is the unknown factor. Troy initiates the fight with a high level of caveman aggression, beating Cody facedown to the mat with both fists. No way is Cody letting him get away with that! Cody binds Troy in his arms and dishes up some brotherly nuggies to the top of the skull, just to assert his rightful dominance, and a few flat-handed slaps to Troys rippling abs, to see how much pain the kid can take. Turns out the kid can take a lot and then, on top of that, reverse the situation and, with deft application of brute force, gain control of his opponent, stretching Cody out taut as a bowstring.
If Troy wants to fight like a Neanderthal, Cody is ready to rev up the aggression another notch. A few raw thrusts to the family jewels gets Troy whimpering and groaning on the mat, but he wont submit to Cody. No way. Codys savage side awakened, he focuses on finding Troys breaking point. Get up, trash! he snarls, half angry and half stoked by his own prowess and propensity for violence, brother on brother. Both men like the challenge they bring to each other, closely matched, with keen instincts about where and when to strike the other to best effect, and a natural knack, reinforced over years, for finding the right insult and the right contemptuous slur to unman his opponent. These two have been mixing it up since they were kids. They know the game by now. Cody targets Troys strong point, his massive thighs, tying the mans legs in a knot and, from time to time, slapping his belly, the nerves already prickling with radioactive spasms. Troy prefers to pound Cody with his fists, each blow jangling cartilage and bone, sending sharp, piercing pangs like lightning streaks up and down the wholelength of the body.
Fans of solid back-and-forth aggression wont want to miss this battle of brothers. Cody and Troy give as good as they take. Because they know how the other thinks, no move is decisive till the end. Because they are both made of the same stubborn DNA, neither gives an inch to the other. In time, they begin to echo each others wrestling style, applying holds they have just escapedin some cases, holds they have used against each other since childhood. And nobody but family can tear open old wounds like thisold insecurities, humiliating nicknames, embarrassing memories of exes that give sharp teeth to the old wrestling taunt How does THAT feel? This battle ends with a decisive win, but until the closing seconds of the fight, its any mans guess whos walking away with a new bike and who will have to start walking to work from now on.
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Angel calf stretch Jackson ripped great abs huge arms big biceps pecs
Angel double arm lock Jackson pecs arms big biceps
Jackson bearhug Angel big arms bicep
Jackson headlock Angel nice abs arms
Jackson leg scissor leg stretch Angel thighs abs pecs arms biceps
Angel grappling Jackson arms bicep fight
Jackson double arm lock Angel washboard abs arm pecs chest
Cody Nelson vs Troy Nelson - Mat Wars 29B