Eagle vs Profiteer - Battlespace 86B
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Eagle vs Profiteer - Battlespace 86B
Match Description
Eagle vs Profiteer - MATCH #2
Who is the profiteer? He's a new kid that has a lot of very successful businesses but he doesn't take directions well, because he is rich the rules don't apply to him. He thinks he knows everything, thinks he is the best looking and is super cocky. He's a model friend of Eagle's who when Eagle told him he was wrestling for us basically told him that he was an amazing wrestler and could such a better job than Eagle. Profiteer then went on to brag about how he will win over all the fans to him and become the newest super star bigger than Bolt even. As you can see hiss ego is twice the size of his body and his confidence is over the top as well. You will need to see this match to see what Eagle does with someone who is a model like him and thinks he is 10 times the man Eagle is, you don't want to miss this action.
Wow. Eagle, a relative newcomer to Thunder’s Arena himself, has recruited his buddy Profiteer and brought him in for his first match. Man, the arrogance is coming off Profiteer in waves! Obviously a product of privilege, Eagle asks Profiteer why he’s wearing a shirt. “I don’t want to show off too much, I’m wearin’ this shirt so people don’t think I’m this cocky, arrogant, you know. Although, we all know – I got talent.” A cheap shot to the abs and it suddenly clicks – Eagle brought this guy in to bring him down a peg or two! Profiteer aims a kick at Eagle’s ribs, but is caught and tripped to the floor. Eagle follows him down, but is caught himself in a barrage of ab shots from the rookie wrestler! Profiteer goes after Eagle’s legs with kick after kick that Van Damme would be proud of!
“You guys wanna see me with the shirt off right?” Profiteer strips off his shirt, revealing a taught, gym-honed body. Showing classic heel tendencies, he throws his shirt at Eagle’s face, hoping to use the distraction to catch him with another ab shot – but Eagle sees him! Another takedown and Profiteer’s once again on his back. Struggling to break free, he grabs Eagles head in a lock, but he turns too far – “Now you messed up!” as Eagle catches his recruit in a tight bearhug. “Good Grip!” says Profiteer, clearly wanting to be anywhere but there! The rich wrestler clearly knows what he’s doing though as he escapes and we see a back and forth battle for control! Eagle gets his back though, and turns him into a full nelson stretch! Again, showing a hint of hidden experience, Profiteer manages to get an arm free and drives several elbows into the weakened leg of Eagle!
There is an intensity here, as both wrestlers stare eye to eye – there’s obviously a history, an underlying tension that is working its way to the fore. A test of strength has neither man going down, so Profiteer uses the lock to drive Eagle’s back into the wall! Again and again, he drives him into the solid surface, following up with elbows and forearms to the ribs. Thrown to the floor, Eagle is hunting around for the remnants of his pride as Profiteer slinks toward him, a victorious smirk on his face. He gets too close and Eagle scoops him up, throwing him over his back. Again, with the savvy of a veteran, Profiteer keeps his cool and starts bashing the abs of Eagle. Eagle drops him and catches him in a body scissors, but the ab bashing continues, with Eagle having no choice but to loosen his grip! “No!” – Eagle knows what’s coming and he’s powerless to stop it! To add injury to, well, injury, Profiteer hoists Eagle up into the beginning of a crab, then punches him hard back to the mat! Twice! With the skill of a veteran, Profiteer turns his man over into a Boston Crab, before turning it into a single-leg crab, and driving his foot into the spine of the hapless ‘teacher’. An elbow drop to Eagle’s back and Profiteer is smiling. “Get up” – Profiteer is clearly enjoying his beatdown of his buddy, but Eagle’s not out yet! Catching a kick, Eagle trips his protégé to the mat and turns him over for a payback Crab of his own! Escaping the crab, Profiteer is distracted by his own trunks and fails to see Eagle hovering with a full nelson! “Profitter will not go down!” says the trapped rookie. Eagle throws him to the mat – “Ok, maybe I will”.
“I’m not gonna lie” say’s Eagle. “You’ve given the Eagle quite the match – but it’s not quite enough. They call me Eagle for a reason – I soar.” Eagle is revelling in his dominance of his privileged pal, his glee evidenced in his face. Suplexes, ab shots, face locks, these two hold nothing back as they succumb to the primal competitive beasts within. A wrenching arm bar has Eagle shouting “Give up Profiteer!” The ‘rookie’ goes straight back to attacking the knee of Eagle, forcing him to let go. He scoops his buddy up, asking the viewers “Should I drop him?” He does, HARD!! Forearm smashes and a truly visious forearm choke have Eagle almost out – but Profiteer wants more. A rear bearhug into a surfboard has one hunk screaming as his shoulders are wrenched out of their sockets! Back and forth they go until a final sleeper gives us a victor. This battle may be over, but the war is just beginning…
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