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Frey Bolt Biceps Pain
Bolt Frey Mercy Abs Biceps
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Bolt Frey Pose Abs Biceps
Frey Bolt Biceps Pecks Back breaker
Frey Bolt Biceps Pain
Bolt Frey Mercy Abs Biceps
Bolt Frey Arm wrestle
Bolt Frey Pose Abs Biceps
Frey Bolt Biceps Pecks Back breaker

Frey vs Bolt - Custom Video Series 50

$ 31.00
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Frey vs Bolt - Custom Video Series 50

Match Description

Bolt is back to take on Frey in our fiftieth Custom Video release!

The camera opens on Bolt, in green trunks, flexing and admiring the results of a lot of hours in the gym!  Bolt knows what the fans want to see and puts on a spectacular gun show.  Frey enters the frame, asking what Bolt thinks he is doing.  Frey has possibly the biggest ego in Thunder’s Arena and is justifiably proud of his moniker “The Beautiful”.  So when Bolt starts bragging about his body, Frey is far from happy!  Frey starts flexing and moving in closer, but stops – it seems Bolt has decided to go ‘au naturel’ in the deodorant department!  “Man, you stink!” exclaims Frey.  “Nah man, I’m too good looking to be stinky!”  Bolt’s self-esteem is through the roof, approaching narcissistic levels!  Bolt proposes a test of strength to start things off, a challenge which Frey is only too glad to meet!  One hand locks, then the other, then the test starts, each pouring on the pressure to try and force the other to quit!  Frey is a master at this game and annihilates Bolt, forcing him all the way to the mat!  Bolt won’t be deterred though, claiming that was just a warm-up – “now we arm wrestle!”  They get down on the mats for what may be one of the most intense and hottest arm wrestles we’ve seen – Frey stares intensely into Bolt’s eyes, playing with Bolt until he has enough and SLAMS Bolt’s arm down!  Wow.  Bolt suggests another test of strength, which Frey goes along with – but the wily Bolt has other plans!  As Frey raises his arms to lock up, Bolt lunges in for a crushing bearhug!  Digging his forearms into Frey’s ribs, right beneath his wide lats, Bolt lifts Frey clean off the mat.  Bolt squeezes the musclehunk, tenderising him like a steak, before dropping him to the mat and clamping on a Full Nelson!  Frey is trapped in Bolt’s vice, but Bolt’s ego gets the better of him – he lets Frey go so he can flex at him some more.  BIG MISTAKE! Frey scoops Frey up in a bone-crushing bearhug of his own, squeezing Bolt like a Boa Constrictor!  Frey increases the hurt by lowering Bolt parallel to the mat, letting gravity add its own pain!  Bolt collapses to the mat as Frey prowls him, further attacking the back with a well-aimed kick to the spine!  Frey keeps up the attack, slapping on a rear bearhug, further punishing Bolt’s body before throwing him back down.

Bolt recovers, getting back up and continuing his gun show for the fans.  Frey lets him do it, thinking Bolt will tire himself out with all the posing.  But Frey gets tired of waiting, surprising Bolt with a nasty ab stretch!  Frey pulls Bolt WAY back, before letting him drop onto his knee in an OTK backbreaker!  Bolt can barely stand, but Frey doesn’t care – Frey lifts Bolt high up in the air in a picture-perfect Gorialla Press!  This is why the pause button exists!  Bolt cries out his submission as Frey drops him like a hot potato.  Frey gets ready to Rock Bottom Bolt and end this, but the upstart starts flexing again, enraging the Beautiful One!  Frey yanks Bolt’s arms back and jams his foot into Bolt’s spine!  Frey gets MAXIMUM STRETCH, making Bolt SCREAM!  Frey releases the hold, letting Bolt fall to the mat.  But Bolt unleashes his secret weapon – a Pit Stop to Frey’s face!  Frey is astonished, outraged and distracted – Bolt seizes his moment, firing a closed fist into Frey’s balls!  Bolt flexes and poses over Frey’s prone form, before dropping to the mat and catching Frey in a headlock, again draping his pit over Frey’s mouth!  An intense battle ensues – ball stomps, flexing, gut bashing, feet to the face, and a vengeful REPEATING BOSTON CRAB! Cries of submission go unheeded and ignored as the match takes a turn for the vicious!  Low blows, nerve claws, an intense ab battering and they’re still not done!  This is one of the most punishing and intense matches we have ever seen and it’s definitely not for the faint of heart!  Don’t miss out – get this incredible video today!

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Frey Bolt Biceps Pain
Bolt Frey Mercy Abs Biceps
Bolt Frey Arm wrestle
Bolt Frey Pose Abs Biceps
Frey Bolt Biceps Pecks Back breaker