Loki vs Scorpion- Custom Video Series 184
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Loki vs Scorpion- Custom Video Series 184
Match Description
As Loki performs alternating dumbbell curls, Scorpion makes an appearance, hurling derogatory remarks and flaunting his impressive bicep peaks. Throughout the video, both wrestlers engage in excessive flexing while exchanging comments on each other's physiques. The match begins with a 2 out of 3 arm wrestle, which Loki ultimately wins. They then proceed to a test of strength, with Loki dominating once again. However, in a sudden twist, Scorpion turns the tables and traps Loki in a full nelson hold. Despite the prolonged struggle, Loki eventually breaks free with a powerful double bicep maneuver. The two then lock into a headlock, ending in a chest-to-chest bear hug that lasts for some time, with Scorpion enduring immense suffering until he finally passes out.
Loki hoists Scorpion up by his hair, then brings him in for an extended chest-to-chest bearhug, determined not to let him pass out this time. However, Scorpion manages a reversal and puts Loki against the ropes, yet his gut punches have no effect. In response, Loki flexes his biceps and mocks his opponent. But then Scorpion tries his own reversal and doesn't fare too well, taking multiple punches before dropping to his knees and collapsing forward. Again, Loki seizes Scorpion by the hair and executes either a neck-raising, high Thunder's lift or curls him before slamming him onto his knee for a devastating backbreaker.
As Scorpion is thrown onto the mat, Loki wastes no time in pinning him- once, twice, before pulling Scorpion's head up right before the count of three. This pattern is repeated until Scorpion is finally pinned for good. Of course, Loki adds in a victory flex and perhaps even a one-arm push-up for show. But before the match can end, Scorpion crawls over to Loki, admiring his legs before delivering a cheap shot that will surely secure his victory. With plenty of flexing and trash talking, it's clear that Scorpion has emerged as the ultimate victor.
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