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Ajax vs Devin - Mat Wars 03A
Dev bearhugs Ajax nice thighs arms bicep
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Ajax vs Devin - Mat Wars 03A

Ajax vs Devin - Mat Wars 03A

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$ 25.00 $ 34.00
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Ajax vs Devin - Mat Wars 03A

Match Description

Ajax vs Devin

Ajax has heard of Devin's reputation as master of submission holds. So he decided that in order to get ready for his match with Titan he needed to get learn more submission style wrestling. He desides to hire Devin to give him some personal trainning in grappling. Little does Ajax know that Devin HATES muscle boys who are not humble and should know their place. Ajax tells him about his dream to beat Titan, which just makes Devin pissed because he knows he's a better grappler than that muscle head Titan on the mat. So Devin agrees to teach Ajax some new submission holds, but secretly decides to humilitate him during the lesson to show him he's the better wrestler than Titan.     

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Dev bearhugs Ajax nice thighs arms bicep
Ajax leg lock Dev thighs arms pecs
Ajax and Dev grapple arms headbutt wrestling
Dev bodybuilder flexing chest pecs arms big biceps abs
Ajax wrestles Dev pecs chest thighs
Ajax abdominal claw Dev huge arms
Ajax arm bar Dev arms bicep thighs
Ajax vs Devin - Mat Wars 03A