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Luger squeezes the ribs of Zman with an amazing bearhug
Bodybuilder Luger dominates Zman in Thunders Arena
Luger squeezes Zman with a side headlock in Thunders Arena
Zman left laying and dominated on the mat in Thunders Arena
Luger hits a pose, flexing his massive biceps and pecs
Luger dominates Zman in Thunders Arena
Luger lifts Zman high overhead with a double choke lift in Thunders Arena
Luger dominates Zman with a headscissors submission hold
Luger flexes his massive bicep for Zman in some muscle worship in Thunders Arena
Luger dominates Zman and stands victoriously over him in Thunders Arena
Luger tortures Zman with a backbreaker submission hold in Thunders Arena
Luger lifts Zman up for a big slam in thunders Arena
Luger applies an amazing reverse bearhug to Zman on the mat in Thunders Arena
Zman vs Luger - Rough & Ready 27
Luger squeezes the ribs of Zman with an amazing bearhug
Bodybuilder Luger dominates Zman in Thunders Arena
Luger squeezes Zman with a side headlock in Thunders Arena
Zman left laying and dominated on the mat in Thunders Arena
Luger hits a pose, flexing his massive biceps and pecs
Luger dominates Zman in Thunders Arena
Luger lifts Zman high overhead with a double choke lift in Thunders Arena
Luger dominates Zman with a headscissors submission hold
Luger flexes his massive bicep for Zman in some muscle worship in Thunders Arena
Luger dominates Zman and stands victoriously over him in Thunders Arena
Luger tortures Zman with a backbreaker submission hold in Thunders Arena
Luger lifts Zman up for a big slam in thunders Arena
Luger applies an amazing reverse bearhug to Zman on the mat in Thunders Arena
Zman vs Luger - Rough & Ready 27

Zman vs Luger - Rough & Ready 27

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Zman vs Luger - Rough & Ready 27

Match Description
New Big man at 240 lbs vs frat boy model at 165 lbs Z-Mans thousand-dollar smile is in a heap of trouble as he faces down Thunders Arenas newest heavyweight, Luger, who holds a 75-pound weight

advantage. I'm not running, Z-Man explains, unconvincingly, I'm just getting ready. Ready perhaps, hard as even that is to believe, but is Z-Man packing enough rough to take on this man-beast in a Rough & Ready match? Luger shows no sign of being impressed with Zacks mat savvy and experience or with his brave talk about chopping the big mans legs out from under him. The strongman tosses the pretty boy around like hes pizza dough, squeezed, pounded, and stretched. And Zack finds himself incapable of even a minimally adequate defense. Only two minutes into being slammed and hugged by the massive newcomer, Z-Man is gulping for air, eyes already bloodshot and reeling. But there's more yet to come: nelsons, knee drops, bearhugs, chokelifts, backbreakers, clotheslines, and headlocks, too. Luger declares trash-talking fitness models an endangered species as he wallops Zack is six directions at once. His ham-sized fists smack the cover boys ribs and abs like sledgehammers. Just one of these blows would be enough to take most wrestlers out. Halfway through the match, Z-Man has all but lost the power of speech. If he survives a pulverizing two-minute headscissors, which you'll have to see to appreciate, it will be a miracle. A stupefying airplane spin leads to a series of pulverizing jolts to the spine that stops only when Luger decides its time to drop his opponent on his head: a consummate demonstration of demolition wrestling. All we have to say is we hope Z-Man has no plans for his backbone for the next two weeks!

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Luger squeezes the ribs of Zman with an amazing bearhug
Bodybuilder Luger dominates Zman in Thunders Arena
Luger squeezes Zman with a side headlock in Thunders Arena
Zman left laying and dominated on the mat in Thunders Arena
Luger hits a pose, flexing his massive biceps and pecs
Luger dominates Zman in Thunders Arena
Luger lifts Zman high overhead with a double choke lift in Thunders Arena
Luger dominates Zman with a headscissors submission hold
Luger flexes his massive bicep for Zman in some muscle worship in Thunders Arena
Luger dominates Zman and stands victoriously over him in Thunders Arena
Luger tortures Zman with a backbreaker submission hold in Thunders Arena
Luger lifts Zman up for a big slam in thunders Arena
Luger applies an amazing reverse bearhug to Zman on the mat in Thunders Arena
Zman vs Luger - Rough & Ready 27