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Tak Brian Cage Camel clutch submission hold submit
Tak Brian Cage over the shoulder backbreaker submission lift and carry
Tak Brian Cage pose chest pecs abs arms
Tak Brian Cage wrestling grappling submission hold
Tak Brian Cage headscissors submission hold submit pain torture
Tak Brian Cage headscissors submission hold submit pain torture
Tak Brian Cage backbreaker submission hold submit
Tak Brian Cage full Nelson submission hold submit neck chest pecs
Tak Brian Cage flex pose flexing biceps arms chest pecs abs muscle worship
Tak Brian Cage full Nelson submission hold submit neck chest pecs
Brian cage flex flexing pose posing abs chest pecs thighs
Tak Brian Cage flex pose flexing biceps arms chest pecs abs muscle worship
Tak Brian Cage Boston crab submission hold submit leg back
Tak Brian Cage armbar arm submission hold submit pain
Tak Brian Cage lift and carry powerbomb slam big vs little
Tak vs Brian Cage - Rough & Ready 53
Tak Brian Cage Camel clutch submission hold submit
Tak Brian Cage over the shoulder backbreaker submission lift and carry
Tak Brian Cage pose chest pecs abs arms
Tak Brian Cage wrestling grappling submission hold
Tak Brian Cage headscissors submission hold submit pain torture
Tak Brian Cage headscissors submission hold submit pain torture
Tak Brian Cage backbreaker submission hold submit
Tak Brian Cage full Nelson submission hold submit neck chest pecs
Tak Brian Cage flex pose flexing biceps arms chest pecs abs muscle worship
Tak Brian Cage full Nelson submission hold submit neck chest pecs
Brian cage flex flexing pose posing abs chest pecs thighs
Tak Brian Cage flex pose flexing biceps arms chest pecs abs muscle worship
Tak Brian Cage Boston crab submission hold submit leg back
Tak Brian Cage armbar arm submission hold submit pain
Tak Brian Cage lift and carry powerbomb slam big vs little
Tak vs Brian Cage - Rough & Ready 53

Tak vs Brian Cage - Rough & Ready 53

$ 31.00
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Tak vs Brian Cage - Rough & Ready 53

Match Description

Big bodybuilder Brian Cage is 255 lbs of solid wrestling machine vs Tak 155 lbs of solid handsome man.

Handsome, fair haired TAK gives up 100 pounds against Brian Cage, a tough. bearded pro wrestler and bodybuilder with muscles of steel and an ego as big as they come. TAK introduces the massive Brian Cage by saying hes glad to finally have a match with a real wrestler. Cage tells the much smaller TAK that there is only one real wrestler on the mat and hes talking about himself. The big muscleman says TAK looks like hes twelve years old and calls him a pipsqueak. But TAK is not intimidated, telling Cage that he has beaten bigger opponents than Cage. Brian Cage just laughs, anticipating the lesson he is going to teach the arrogant young punk. Making fun of Cages pro-wrestling knee pads, TAK tries to get the early advantage with a kick to the big mans knees. The tactic fails miserably, having no impact whatsoever on the big pro wrestler. The thickly muscled Cage quickly puts TAK into bear hug from behind. As they roll to the mat, Cage easily remains in control of the little guy and goes for a cross body pin. TAKs skills come to his rescue as he manages to get his long legs around the big wrestlers neck. But huge Brian Cage easily breaks out and the two get to their feet. Feeling confident, TAK goes in low for a take down, but Cage anticipates the amateur move and easily puts TAK face up over one of his broad shoulders for a backbreaker. TAK screams my back as the big pro taunts the little guy with some trash talk before dropping him to the mat. When they lock up again, Cage punishes TAKs back some more with an over the knee back breaker. Enjoying himself, Cage again mocks TAK while he screams in pain. Cage then puts handsome TAK in an over the shoulder backbreaker before throwing him to the mat. Confident that he can do whatever he wants to his smaller opponent, the brutal pro wrestler puts his knee into TAKs back and practically pulls the smaller guys arms out of the sockets, laughing as TAK screams in pain. Cage easily gets TAK to submit with a painful pro move that locks TAKs arm behind Cages leg, while he puts poor TAK in a headlock. But when Cage lets TAK out of the brutal hold, TAK shows no sign of humbling himself before the big powerful beast, and makes a wisecrack about Cages mother. TAK tries to put Cage in a belly to belly bear hug. When that has no effect on the rock solid muscleman, he tries a bear hug from behind. Cage just laughs and brags about his 260 pound muscular body. To humiliate TAK even more, the big pro wrestler stands with his arms out and invites TAK to apply any hold he likes. When TAK attempts a full nelson, which is pathetically ineffective against Cages massive muscular shoulders and neck, Cage humiliates TAK by making believe hes trapped in the hold. But the big beast tires of playing and puts TAK in real full nelson, telling TAK Youre nothing. Cage then does a huge double bi, saying Boom as his massive guns flex to the max. He brags about winning bodybuilding shows and wrestling matches as he poses. When TAK does some posing, the big man totally blocks TAK from view with his massive body. Calling TAK ridiculous the big bully puts TAK into a Boston crab, then sits on TAKs back and applies the fish hooks to TAKs mouth in true pro wrestling style. The humiliation continues as the big man grabs TAK by the hair and rubs his face in the mat. When TAK tries to escape by wrapping his legs around Cages neck, Cage lifts him up and drops him neck first over Cages knee. Then Cage flexes his massive muscular body over him saying I told you who the real man is. Feeding his ego some more, Cage puts TAK in a camel clutch and asks him Whose your daddy? and tells the poor guy to scream his answer. But TAK doesnt give. When the big man breaks the hold, he tells TAK he is impressed. But then he tells TAK he is only getting started. Incredibly, the big beast means what he says. What follows is even more brutal than the total domination that has already taken place. Big Brian Cage puts his pro skills on display as he locks TAKs lean muscular body into brutal hold after brutal hold. When the big powerful wrestler is finally done with this over the top squash job, he does an amazing victory pose with his knee on TAKs back before going to lift some weights.
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Tak Brian Cage Camel clutch submission hold submit
Tak Brian Cage over the shoulder backbreaker submission lift and carry
Tak Brian Cage pose chest pecs abs arms
Tak Brian Cage wrestling grappling submission hold
Tak Brian Cage headscissors submission hold submit pain torture
Tak Brian Cage headscissors submission hold submit pain torture
Tak Brian Cage backbreaker submission hold submit
Tak Brian Cage full Nelson submission hold submit neck chest pecs
Tak Brian Cage flex pose flexing biceps arms chest pecs abs muscle worship
Tak Brian Cage full Nelson submission hold submit neck chest pecs
Brian cage flex flexing pose posing abs chest pecs thighs
Tak Brian Cage flex pose flexing biceps arms chest pecs abs muscle worship
Tak Brian Cage Boston crab submission hold submit leg back
Tak Brian Cage armbar arm submission hold submit pain
Tak Brian Cage lift and carry powerbomb slam big vs little
Tak vs Brian Cage - Rough & Ready 53